Tag Archives: Golden Gate Park

Coming to grips with the carousel of life

Carousel in Golden Gate Park

It was a UCSF day today. That means an MRI and visit with neuro-oncologist Dr. Susan Chang. The female DG stuck to her regular game plan of walking around Golden Gate Park while the male DG had his head in the MRI machine. Unlike most weekday mornings, the carousel at the eastern edge of Golden Gate Park was open, thanks to the summer season. The female DG went down the hill to take a look at the excited line of children waiting to get on. Then she got on, too, and rode it around, feeling a bit silly being an adult unaccompanied by a child.

It was sentimental and symbolic. She’s been riding this carousel since she was a child and always loved that the animals weren’t just the usual horses. She remembers riding the rooster and the goat. She also knew that it was likely they wouldn’t be getting good news today; the male DG has experienced increasing weakness and decreasing mobility. The MRI confirmed their worst fear; where once there was one brain tumor, there are now four. Dr. Chang hugged them both – not a good sign. They are prepared but not really, as they move into unchartered waters of sharing what they know will be their last months together. Ok, the whole situation sucks…

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Filed under Brain cancer, Living each day

A post-rain walk in Golden Gate Park

San Francisco Botanical Garden Feb 2010

It was technically not a First Blush walk, as the female traded in her DJ status to be part of the Dual Gs who made their way up to San Francisco for what they call a “UCSF day.” All appointments were completed expeditiously but started very early this morning. And the news was good; the MRI showed no sign of the tumor, well, doing anything but just sitting there. “The tumor looks good,” is how neuro-oncologist Dr. Susan Chang says it. (Having a tumor sitting in a brain really isn’t good, but the DGs understand her meaning.)

Their journey to the City started about the same time the female DG goes out on her morning jog, so she decided to take a walk during the male DGs MRI. Golden Gate Park conveniently located  just down the hill from UCSF . The rain cooperated – staying away for a route that included a spin through the San Francisco Botanical Garden, where the daffodils were poking through the winter soil. Her Uncle Stuart was a gardener in the Park but whether he ever tended the plants on display in the the Botanical Society’s garden, she ‘s not sure. Evidently deep budget cuts are threatening the garden’s maintenance preservation;  an admission charge to visitors who don’t live in the City is one solution.  Having those free, open gates makes it easy to take a quick spin. But she understands…

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Filed under Brain cancer, Dawn Patrol